Landscapes for Living

Bespoke designs and dream gardens for life in the Macedon Ranges 


“Practical and purposeful places. It’s what all gardens should be. With serene spaces to sit, relax and share the experiences of life.”  


Landscape Design

Your landscape design doesn’t have to happen all at once. It’s likely your needs will evolve over time. The landscape is alive. It can change with you.

Some people need fresh eyes to test ideas. Maybe you’re ready to transform that blank canvass in one brushstroke. Others prefer to stagger projects to balance cost and effort. I can also help you just to source the right plants.

Whatever stage your life, garden and budget are at, Sam Crawford Landscape Design develops bespoke solutions for home living and town planning. All you have to do is tell me your dreams.


Garden Design

A good garden embraces the seasons and invigorates the senses. It’s a space that makes you come alive; a beautiful and functional place for living.

The best places are where people and nature thrive together. Where kids can discover where food comes from. Where calming green soothes a busy mind. Where friends and family gather.

Sam Crawford Landscape Design skilfully links your house and garden and gives you a thousand reasons to step outside and experience it all. 

Whether you desire an indigenous garden or a horticultural haven; if you live on a country property or in a cosy courtyard, my bespoke designs will bring your dream garden to life.  


Collaborative Design

Relationships are at the heart of my work. Listen. Observe. Engage. I take the time to get to know clients - families and individuals – so I can understand how you want to live. It’s not my style to impose design ideas. So getting personal is the only way to bring your dream landscape to life.

Having said all that, I am drawn to sustainable solutions, along with organic, natural shapes that merge sections seamlessly through layer and texture. From that foundation we can collaboratively design a distinctive garden that is gorgeous and inviting, as well as purposeful and practical.

The garden is an extension of your home so I’ll help you to harmoniously balance the two, make the most of borrowed views and connect to the local environment. Together, we’ll transform the space into your ideal landscape for living.

Indigenous Garden

Prokopec Garden


Let’s talk more at your place. Book an initial site consultation.